Performance Management

We resolve operating system gaps

Resolve Delivery Crisis from Supplier to Client

Project Challenge

  1. Ensure minimum supply and create a product buffer to avoid stopping the client’s assembly line.

  2. Map process deviations that were preventing the supplier from meeting demand.

  3. Identify the causes of deviations.

  4. Manage action plan to solve deviation causes.

Strategy Applied

  1. Shop floor deep dive process steps audit actual vs. standard.
  2. Implement hourly monitoring in the bottleneck operation.
  3. Implement (production-maintenance and process engineering) meeting every 2 hours on the line.
  4. Implement daily stakeholder meeting on the line.
  5. Implement bi-weekly meeting with the client.

Implemented Results

  1. Created a one-week buffer.
  2. Cell production increased by 15%.
  3. RFT (Right First Time) improved from 60% to 99%.
  4. OTD increased from 60% to 98%.
  5. MTBF improved from 1 hour to 48 hours.